Zheng Peng's webpage
About me
Zheng Peng, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Xiangtan University. His current main research interests are manifold optimization problem algorithms and their applications in data science, satellite remote sensing data fusion, chip design and simulation and other fields of engineering optimization problems and Its efficient algorithm. Professor Peng Zheng received his Ph.D. from Shanghai University in 2008. He graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Nanjing University as a postdoctoral fellow in 2010 and was promoted to professor in 2013.
Selected Papers
* Corresponding Author
A New Insight on Augmented Lagrangian Method with Applications in Machine Learning; Jianchao Bai; Linyuan Jia; Zheng Peng*. Journal of Scientific Computing 2024.
A manifold inexact augmented Lagrangian method for nonsmooth optimization on Riemannian submanifolds in Euclidean space; Kangkang Deng; Zheng Peng*. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2023.
Riemannian Smoothing Gradient Type Algorithms for Nonsmooth Optimization Problem on Compact Riemannian Submanifold Embedded in Euclidean Space; Peng Zheng, Wu Weihe, Hu Jiang, Deng Kangkang*. Applied Mathematics & Optimization 2023.
A modified multivariate spectral gradient projection method for nonlinear complementarity problems; Zheng Peng*, Xu Zhang, Zhiqiang Yao. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2023
A Discriminative Projection and Representation-Based Classification Framework for Face Recognition; Kangkang Deng; Zheng Peng*, Wenxing Zhu. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2020.
Ph.D. Operations Research and Cybernetics , Shanghai University , 2005-2008.
M.S. Mathematics Education , Hunan Normal University , 2000-2003.
Research Interests
Optimization theory and algorithms and their applications
VLSI physical design
Next Generation Communication Network
Data-driven optimization models and algorithms
Optimization problems and methods in machine learning (manifold learning)
Email: pzheng@xtu.edu.cn
Phone: 18659168012
Address: Yanggutang Street, Yuhu district, Xiangtan city, Hunan province, China
Office: Room B109, North Building, School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Xiangtan University